
As the voice of economic development in California, CALED已收到私营部门企业提供的工具,社区可使用这些工具帮助其企业抵御COVID-19大流行. Below are these offerings. 请联系所列出的个别公司了解更多信息.


Bludot提供3个月免费使用,没有义务. Cities can visit the 站点并提交添加城市的请求,或者他们可以简单地 email Sophia Zheng directly. Read more about what Bludot offers:

  • 他们的产品是一款业务保留软件,主要功能如下:
    • 城市可以通过标签过滤和搜索所有企业的面板. industry, size, age, geographic area, etc. 例如,城市可以通过简单的点击过滤并查看所有餐馆.
    • Direct communication with each business owner
      • City可以与每个企业进行1:1的通信,也可以一次向一组企业发送通信. 例如,市政府可以向所有餐馆老板发送消息或资源包.
      • City将能够跟踪企业主的反应, what questions they have, what support they are asking for, etc.
      • Every staff member that has access to the platform would be able to see the latest information at all times; i.e. 如果一个工作人员发送了一个通信,或者如果一个企业主回复了一个问题, 其他工作人员也可以看到它并处理它.
      • 员工还可以相互分配任务来管理待办事项
    • Enhanced data
      • Bludot从城市导入现有数据,但也从外部数据提供商补充额外的数据. 他们意识到每个城市的数据可用程度可能有所不同,通过合并外部数据,澳门皇家堵场上线啦希望提供尽可能多的有用信息.
    • Dashboard
      • 这是平台的总结和报告方面,具有用于业务概要分布以及业务支持活动的度量和图表. 图表和报告可以很容易地与相关利益相关者共享和呈现

为了了解更多并利用这个机会, click here and sign up or email Sophia Zheng directly.

esri允许免费访问他们的ArcGIS Hub模板,以便社区可以绘制冠状病毒的影响.

Click here to learn more.

GIS Planning launched a new, 免费的交互式GIS制图工具,供美国所有社区按县跟踪COVID-19的传播(每日更新),以及Chmura的JobsEQ失业脆弱性指数.

社区可以在他们的网站上嵌入地图 the link on this page. To learn more about this resource, click here.



Open For Business中心列出了在疫情爆发期间帮助小企业远程工作的科技公司.

Click here to see what’s available.


该平台连接了澳门皇家堵场上线啦当地的企业和业主, real estate and economic development professionals, service providers, local leaders, and entrepreneurs, so you can share ideas and expertise, promote opportunities, and connect with new partners locally, statewide, and nationally, to make progress together.
    • Join your local Networks. There’s a marketplace and network for every City and County in California.
    • 为你自己和你的组织建立一个档案.
    • 加快企业与业主之间的联系, real estate and economic development professionals, service providers, local leaders and entrepreneurs.
    • 促进当地商业和房地产机会.
OppSites将为每个组织和公司提供60天的免费访问OppSites PRO:
    • Turn your local website into a Marketplace and Networking platform.
    • 向全国观众推广本地商业和房地产机会.
    • Empower local business owners, service providers, 房地产专业人士和当地领导人分享他们的专业知识, their ideas, and their capacity, then connect with new partners locally, and nationally, to make progress together.

Join the California Marketplace and Network

Email to request access to PRO!

ProcureNow Is Donating Software To Agencies In Need

procrenow正在向有需要的机构捐赠免费的采购门户订阅服务. 这是用来帮助你的机构在对抗这场危机时完全在线和远程. Procurement is a critical function. 你工作的组织需要你有效地应对危机. They have deep respect for the work you are doing. They are here to help.

Learn more here.

 免费网络研讨会:冠状病毒对经济发展行业的十大影响 & Solutions to Mitigate Challenges

While public health, public policy, 企业正在努力应对这种新型冠状病毒的影响, so too must the profession of economic development. 对于澳门皇家堵场上线啦这个行业所支持的企业和工人来说,经济开发商可以采取一些具体的影响和应对措施来适应这种充满挑战的环境.

Presented by Anatalio Ubalde, Founder and CEO of SizeUp, Jennifer Graves, 吉尔伯特镇经济发展副主任, and Horton Hobbs, 大春田市商会经济发展副总裁.


Topics include:
*What your EDO must do immediately
* Site selection without visits
* Local business in crisis
* Prospecting without conferences
* Technology necessities
* Pivoting foreign direct investment
* Much more

Click here to access the webinar.